
Monday, August 26, 2013

Praying Through the Seasons of Motherhood

I have thrown up my hands so many times when it comes to my prayer life.
Something's gotta give. Lord, I'm trying to talk to You, but there are these
small humans (yea, the ones YOU gave me!)that always seem to get in the way.

"Love ME through them." God keeps putting that on my heart.

Even though my arms, lap, brain... is full of children these days
I have such a peace in imagining that I am hugging Christ when I pick
up one of my children. I am drying His tears. Preparing His food.
Singing to Him. Laughing with Him. Loving Him... through caring
for the children He gave me.

I don't know why it took me so long to realize that the seasons of prayer
must change right along with my vocation of motherhood. In my singleness,
it was easy to make a plan for loving God. Now that my life is a series
of relay races (change diaper, fill sippy, switch laundry, read "Green Eggs
and Ham" for the 324th time, turn on a movie, NOT that movie, the other movie,
go for a walk, TO THE PARK, change diaper, fill sippy... repeating.), my
prayer life has to be flexible if I'm to talk to God ever again.

When I'm pregnant, I make time to sit down and rock the baby en route
and pray simple prayers throughout the day as God reminds me that HE IS NEAR
in the creation of new life.

When I have a nursing baby, I cherish the late night feedings and seize
the opportunity to pray in the quiet with the fresh, new life in my arms.

Toddlerhood... I have just arrived. My boys are now 3 and almost 2! GAH! And as
I enter this new season of motherhood, I must adapt my prayer life. I have to find
the way to Him through them... the people with the little sippy cups and BIG needs.

I'm not super smart or a professional pray-er by any means, but I asked
God to show me a time to pray... and He gave it to me.

Every day, for however long this season lasts, my boys lay down to take a nap together.
It generally takes 30 minutes for them to fall asleep. Usually I'm rushing out of their bedroom,
working as fast as I can to get all the things done on my to-do list before they wake up...

It's nap time, people! The momma happy hour.
And for crying out loud - it's probably the only time of the day
where I can hear myself think, shower, eat, pee in peace, etc!

But the 30 minutes it takes for them to fall asleep? I knew God was asking for that.
So I gave. And I've been giving for over a week now and it is sweet, rewarding time.

I have every excuse in the book as to why I CANNOT sit down, but reality is that I need to
sit down so God can love on me. Because I crave it! Motherhood is no walk in the park.
Well, you definitely take lots of walks in the park, but you know what I mean.

We love love love our littles and the father of those littles until it hurts...
Let God love on you today, in whatever season you find yourself in?


Need a place to start?
One of my favorite sources for Jesus + community...

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  1. Isn't life crazy-busy, yet so beautiful? I am not a momma, yet, but this is the same thing God has been showing me in the workplace! A few weeks ago, I was so overwhelmed by...everything, really, that one morning I collapsed on my knees in prayer and tears and I basically told Him the same thing...I was trying to talk to Him, but everything (-one) got in the way...and then, "Love ME through them."

    Singing with/to a little one at work, hugging an overwhelmed momma, praying with/for parents, rocking, feeding, changing a baby, talking to teenagers about teenage stuff, comforting a coworker...the list of the ways I can love Him through them never ends! Needless to say, God is SO good.

    Praying for you, your husband and your little ones!

    1. Wow! So amazing to see Him working on similar things in other lives too!!! It is true - there are so many ways to love Him. I've been making it my prayer for Him to SHOW ME exactly where to give more. Blessed to share this journey with you, Gabriela!

      We pray for you too!

  2. thanks for this. I needed some encouragement :) I've read She Reads Truth in the past but have been out of the habit lately.

    1. Julia! I come and go with She Reads Truth as well, but it is a great jump starter!!! I have lists of themes in the Bible that I am working through right now. Whatever it takes to bring us closer to Him! Happy this could encourage you. God loves you much! XO

  3. SO beautiful and real. I love that.

    So glad that I found your blog tonight via 'The Mason Bar Company's' IG feed.

    Happy Tuesday, friend.

    1. So random and positively providential!!! I've been browsing through your blog... and I just love you!!! So glad The Mason Bar Co. could connect us! Welcome to the field, Nicole!


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