
Thursday, September 12, 2013

The Influence Network || Conference Bound!

As many of you know, I am part of The Influence Network.
For those of you who don't know...

Back in March of this year I kept feeling God nudge me,
"Pssst... hey! Ya ya ya THE INFLUENCE NETWORK!"

Blogging alone brings about such an awesome community experience,
but I wanted to go a little deeper and make a commitment to something
that really reflected who I am as a blogger.
straight from >>>
The Influence Network is for creatively minded women,
who are looking for an uplifting community where they can be encouraged
and also resourced to make their online lives MEAN SOMETHING.


Bingo! That's me. Done. And done.

I always want my online life to mean something in light of eternity.
This is Kingdom work here - as I share my heart and my family's way of life.
I am so blessed to share this journey with you!

AND I am so excited to be going to The Influence Network conference this year!!!
Scratch that - BEYOND excited!!! I know without a shadow of a doubt that God wants
me there and that gives me goose bumps. Can't wait to see what He's got up His sleeve!!!

::: two things that will be in my bag :::

1.) Paper. Beautiful paper. I'm not bringing a laptop with me - only my phone.
Really hoping to just un-plug (a little!) and write write write down new ideas
and inspiration that comes to me along the way!

2.) Starbucks coffee. I know I know! There is a Starbucks in the lobby! Which I will
most likely utilize. But I am a sucker for the bottled mocha frappucino. So I will have some.
And probably some Clif bars to go with that. Because I'm a snacker. No shame.

::: two things i am looking forward to :::

1.) Being filled. I cannot wait to just sit back and let God love and lead
me through other faith-filled women!

2.) Watching this online community COME TO LIFE. I message, text, facebook, instagram,
tweet with so many awesome women on a daily basis - and I'm looking forward to seeing

See ya in Indy!!!

P.S. I've had several people ask me if you have to be a blogger to attend.
NOOOOOOOO! Want to come too?! There are still tickets available. Details here.


  1. I am in total agreement on the paper and Starbucks...although it hadn't occurred to me to bring the bottled frapps...genius! :) This will be my first time at the conference too. SO excited!

  2. so excited to meet you! and i will be right there next to you writing, writing, writing! :)

  3. See you in two weeks! I'll be the one with a coffee or water in my hand at all times (as well as my phone). :)

  4. I cannot wait. Oh bringing cliff bars great idea, love those. Seriously the blueberry crisp one rocks my world.

    1. I have never tried the blueberry crisp one! It might have wheat in it- that's why :-( I'm a sucker for the white-chocolate macadamia nut!!! It's going to be a guuuuud time!

  5. I hope you have an amazing time!!

    1. thank you!!!! hoping and praying that it is a blessed experience for all!!!

  6. kindred spirits! pen, paper, and glorious coffee! this is my first year coming to influence ~ super excited! we will probably meet in the starbucks line :)

    1. my first year too!!! us newbies gotta stick together - coffee in hand and all!! XO

  7. First of all, you are adorable. Second of all, I'm also really excited to be filled and connect with the Lord! That will be the best part of this conference.

    1. Hey Heather!!! SO looking forward to running into you at the conference!!!! You are wonderful! XO

  8. BRITTANY!! I get to meet you in LESS than two weeks! I'm pretty darn excited about that :)

  9. Seeing people past the avatar is the best part of any blog conference! And the Influence community is just amazing. Excited to see you there!

    1. It's going to be so weird and fun!!!! Will be looking for ya, Annie!!! <3

  10. I am SO excited to meet you Britrany! We should definitely get coffee one morning.. And by coffee i mean skip out on those gross PSLs and grab some Chai teas together! :)

    1. DONE! Sounds awesome!!! See you in Indy, lady!! XO

  11. Looking forward to meeting you Brittany! A momma of two small boys definitely deserves a girl's weekend away! And I love that you're only bringing paper and not your laptop. I just might do that too:)

    1. YA! This is gonna be good. I seriously have not been away over night without one or more of my family members in FOUR years!!! Will see you soon, Courtney!!! XO

  12. Hi Brittany! Great to meet you...I'm pretty new to all things Influence. Looking forward to the weekend, thought a little nervous since I'm heading there without knowing anyone in real life and this is my 1st conference in probably at least 10 years. That quote you shared from the Influence site is TOTALLY me. I know this will be good.

  13. I take paper notes too, and I think it will be a little funny to start recognizing (or not recognizing) people based on their avatar!

  14. I am a total snacker too! And Starbucks lover :)

    So excited to meet you :) Just a few days!


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