
Thursday, October 10, 2013

Project || table canvas for kids

Yesterday we ran the "meltdown a minute" marathon in our household.
I kid you not, every 30 seconds someone was experiencing the end. of. the. world.
And then my husband sent me a text that read: "I love you BIG, my lady!"
Which I mis-read as: "I love you, my BIG lady." If the day wasn't hard enough -
my husband, who wouldn't care if I dyed my hair blue, calls me FAT?! I nearly cried myself.
For the record, he did NOT call me fat. But that's where an all day whine fest
with your 3 ft. tall groupies will get you. Delirium.

As a stay-at-home mom, I am always searching for the "next big thing"
that will keep my kids engaged for longer than a bowl of pretzel sticks.
Something that will keep them distracted from their other favorite past time: melting down.

It's amazing how just the littlest "switch up" of something that we do often
can be so captivating for them. IKEA paper roll for the win this time around.

I took it off their easel and covered our dining room table.
The large canvas and endless art supplies held their attention...

are you ready for this? ALL. DAY.

They took breaks here and there, but would go back and sit for long
periods of time to add to their work of art.

I'll admit that Netflix is my crutch. When my kids are in a funk or their
happiness and focus cannot be bought with my "bag 'o tricks" - a movie plays
and I sit on the couch with my fingers crossed... "please let this last."

But ideas like this are SO simple - and I am grateful that the good Lord
sends them to me on occasion. Nothing fancy, but it worked!

So from one momma to another - go cover your dining room table in paper.
Rage on against delirium... rage on.


  1. love it! coloring is so much fun. what is it about it? it keeps kids entertained for hours!! great idea girl!

    1. i know, right?! as an adult, I still LOVE to color!!! therapeutic.

  2. Sooo need to remember this in a few years!!

    1. YEA!!! Hope it works for you and your little too :-)

  3. Fantastic idea! Will definitely add this to my bag of tricks for when my little one stops trying to eat crayons. ;) Hope today is a little more even keel!

    1. Bahahaha!!! It's not funny that your kid tries to eat crayons... LOL! Mine just adore ripping all the paper off of them. DRIVES ME NUTS! Today is better. Thanks, friend! XO

  4. genius. I sometimes tape kraft paper to the floor and let the kids decorate. will have to try the table soon!

    1. See!!! GREAT idea. Paper on the floor. I love it!!! I'm stealing YOUR idea!!!!

  5. Brilliant! Stealing this idea! :)

    1. Go for it!!! I hope it works some magic for ya!!!

  6. oh goodness, that text! Glad that worked out.

    1. haha it is still making me laugh! it's so funny what we "think" or "see" when we are streeeessed out!!!! i'm glad it worked itself out too. or my poor husband might have been sleeping on the couch!

  7. Paint brushes with water is another go-to favorite of mine (99% of the time it's outside). Good work Mama :)

    1. oooooh yea!!! that's another great idea!!!! so fun and EASY clean up!!!!


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