
Monday, November 4, 2013

All Hallows' Eve || The Party

At the end of the night, I sat in my dining room with a glass of wine
and bowl of olives and cheese as I surveyed the wondrous mess.

People were here. Life was lived out. We kindled the flame of community
and the afterglow I was experiencing: B E A U T I F U L.

I didn't want to pick-up or remove the traces of such a grace.
I whispered to Nathan, "My heart is so full."

$10 dozen roses // greens & leaves from the yard + recycled glass jars

Our All Hallows' Eve party was too much fun. ((( planning details HERE )))
A supper club style dinner and evening of prayer and fellowship does the heart good.

We ate and drank until the blanket of contentment covered the room.
We shared and prayed by name for loved ones who have passed and those who are
still suffering here on earth. We sang songs of worship.
We laughed. We talked. We hugged. We did life together.

I think my favorite part of the night was walking into my bedroom to find
6 boys jumping on our bed trying to reach the canopy. PRICELESS.

DIY food labels // circle paper press + toothpicks

Our little space felt more like Buca di Beppo's that night.
Tables covered in cloth + chairs (all borrowed - so thankful!) in every room -
with fresh flowers, candles, and music to woo the crowd.

We tried to make the most of every square foot...
so we set up the drink bar in the utility room.
Keeping it real.

There are no words to describe the richness.
I'm so glad that God has put the call to "do community now" on our hearts.
I think HE knew I was thirsting for this more than I knew myself.

Some myths were debunked for me that night:
You don't have to have a large space to cultivate community life,
and you don't have to have a lot of money to pull it off.

Lord, You were right. I was wrong. True story.

I told myself, before our guests even arrived, that if the night was a total
failure it was still MOST important that we give answer - that we show up -
that we pour out and serve away our hearts no matter what because
THIS... THIS is what God wants for our family right now.
And it is good.


  1. Just love it. Would soooo love to be a part of something like this! Good job Mama!

    1. I wish we had so much more space to invite "all" to come in!!! Host an event, Sybil!!! Do it. XO

  2. OMG this is so awesome! Wishing I wasn't so far away from you guys now!!!!

    1. Haha hey thanks!!! You guys totally would have been invited too!!!

  3. So I was looking up your jesse tree post and I ran across this post...and it brought back such wonderful memories. This was such a FABULOUS night!


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