
Tuesday, November 26, 2013

We Are All Homeless

I was scrolling through Facebook one night, when I came across the status of a friend:

"Everyday I drive under the Webster Ave. overpass on my way to work.
There are several homeless people that live under there, and have a pretty elaborate
set-up between the pillars that support the highway overhead...

Mattresses, clothing, stuffed animals, food, pictures.

Today as I was driving home from work, I notice a garbage truck stopped under the overpass,
and the garbage men were throwing these people’s every earthly possession into the back of the truck.

So today, in light of all of the disaster and turmoil on this Earth, while I am immensely grateful
for all that I have, I am profoundly disturbed by our attitude towards those who have so little.
Because really, at the end of the day...

we are just all people trying to find somewhere to put our stuff."

image credit

Remind Me Of Who I Am by Jason Gray on Grooveshark

They reach out to us on the street corners, and wave us down in our cars.
Wind chapped faces, gloves worn through by the blows that life deals, their eyes
brightly shining - framed by smudgy skin. Just another human, another beating heart.

I've seen their faces. I've heard their stories. I know how easily any of us could find
ourselves with a cardboard sign and grocery cart - peddling away our sacred human dignity
at any given intersection, overpass, or shelter.

Most that I've met, confess to struggling with addictions. Alcohol. Drugs.
Some have been disabled. Mentally challenged. Abandoned by family. I've eaten dinner
on the curb with some who used to have corporate jobs, spouses, children. And they would
give anything, anything to have a "do over" - to be given another chance to make a different choice.

And so we give grace, forgiveness, mercy. We meet them where they are at.
Why? Because in the end, we are ALL homeless. This world is not our home...
and like my Facebook friend shared, we are all just looking for a place to put our stuff.

"For here we do not have an enduring city,
but we are looking for the city that is to come."
- Hebrews 13:14

This season, our family decided to put together WARMTH PACKAGES
for the homeless, hungry, out-of-work men and women we see all the time - begging, hopeful.
A small gesture, pennies really - trying to buy back some comfort or evoke some
feelings of LOVE, PEACE, JOY for our friends on the streets.

Such a simple project, but one that our kids were thrilled to help with.
They are very eager to give away the granola bars that they so desperately wanted to eat.

clean, folded socks
heat packs for gloves or boots
ready-to-eat soup
granola bar
a personal note of encouragement with art by our toddlers
$5 gift card to McDonalds

We wanted to include a gift card so that they would have the opportunity to
buy something, to be a customer, and therefore be granted the right to sit, to stay
inside of a public facility until they have warmed up or dodged the rain.

Most public places chase them out in the name of honoring their current guests -
the ones who have PAID, who have earned the privilege of sipping coffee in a booth.

Things we take for granted.

image credit

"But our citizenship is in heaven."
- Philippians 3:20


  1. Replies
    1. It's so simple... and small. I hope that others can be blessed!!! Lord, make much of this!!!

  2. love this! I pinned a similar article on this a month ago, and your blog post was just the push I needed to move it to the top of my priority list...thanks, Brittany! You have a beautiful family...xoxo!

    1. So glad that we could "chat" earlier today about this project! I hope that you can do this with your extended family this Thanksgiving - to be a blessing and be blessed!!!

  3. Those poor sure do tug at my heart. My family can't pass by them without giving them something either. Something small, nothing usually planned. Sometimes I joke that it's a good thing that I don't live in the city as I always go through all my cash when I am down there. I miss my soup kitchen days in college and can't wait to take my girls with me when they are bigger. A someday calling....but this post is perfect and beautiful!!! You can see Christ in them so easily, and what a blessing to serve Him by serving them...

    1. Oh Rosie! I know your heart - and I LOVE it!!! I am the same way. It will be so surreal to be able to serve in different ways as our children grow with us :) I'm kinda excited about that and what each season will bring!!!

  4. "When did you see me hungry, or naked..." thank you for thinking of them, awesome.

    1. Amen. I wish we could do more. I wish that I THOUGHT more of kind things to do, to give... Lord, give us inspiration and the heart to say "YES!" Thank you, Maria <3

  5. Yes & Amen! Sooo proud of you for stepping out to be the hands & feet of our Lord, Creator of us ALL! HAPPY HOLIDAYS TO YOU & YOURS : )

    1. same to you, sweet Sybil!!! and thank you <3

  6. This brings tears again and again. We support orphans and very poor kids this X-mas. Happy Advent :)

    1. Zsanett!!! Good to hear from you :) So encouraging to hear that friends AROUND THE WORLD are helping, making a difference... God bless you and your family!!! Wishing you a blessed Advent as well XO

  7. This comment has been removed by the author.

  8. My daughter and I participate in adopting a military family for Christmas to bless them and their family as God has so graciously blessed us throughout the year. This year I wanted to make a greater impact so I decided to look on Pinterest (because they simply have every idea imaginable) and was able to find a list of items that could go into a pair of socks. So this year we are doing Socks of Love. We are shooting for 50 packages. Pray that God intercede and provide us with the assistance to make this a reality. He has blessed each of us throughout the year so this is just a little token of gratitude to say Thank You, Lord for all that you do for us. We take so much for granted.


Thanks for leaving some comment love! I enjoy hearing what you have to say... and others do too! XO