
Thursday, November 19, 2015

Brunch for Baby

One of our favorite things to do as a family is "brunch." We refer to it as "Hobbit Breakfast"
and it usually, especially takes place on Sundays in our home. Bella was born on a Sunday.
I feel like God knew she should come in on the Sabbath.

Cheerful, sunshine glory -
she's our Alleluia, deep rest, skip to Church and run down the aisle girl.

Our little pancake. Our little bacon. Our little syrup. We take turns lavishing sweet names on our
baby girl as we gather Sunday after Sunday to brunch, to take her in, to breathe deep and just BE alive
together. The boys especially love our nickname game for Bella... "our little coffee creamer!"
I will never forget these days. They are everything.

And so it just made sense to ring in her first year with a "Lady Bella Brunch".
Full of her favorite fabric flowers, Curious George, warm syrup and a pancake bar!!!

Thank you, Jesus, for our Sunday baby.
We love you, Bells. XO.


  1. Pancakes, bacon, and cupcakes? It is the most delicious sounding party ever! Seriously, I don't know why I have never considered a brunch party. I love it!

    1. It was pretty yummy, Christy!!! Brunch parties should be considered by all!!!!! So. Good. XO.


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