I am a wife. I married my best friend in the summer of '09.
He is the WILD fire in my life - a passionate, child-like, creative, life-giving,
loving, handsome man that drives me back to my Father in heaven.
I am a momma. Two beautiful sons have blessed my life thus far and I wouldn't trade
them for anything in the world. They are my WILD wonderfuls that keep me on my toes,
running in circles, and ever-so-playful on a daily basis. LOVE them.
I am a domestic engineer. Yes, a stay-at-home momma that can't get enough of her vocation.
I am recklessly abandoned to cooking, cleaning, organizing, decorating, designing, playing, etc.
The homefront is my WILD frontier. Everyone is welcome.
I am a woman. Feminine with a touch of WILD whimsical.
I am usually rocking a skirt, a pair of leggings, and a frilly shirt with a stain or two
put there with loving thoughtfulness by my children. I love girly things and
enjoy spreading femininity around the world!
I am a daughter of the King of kings. He has held me so tenderly -
always leading me back to His WILD, tender, and merciful heart... back to the field
where He cares for me as He does the sparrows and the lilies.
I rest there knowing He loves me so much more than I can possibly imagine.
MATTHEW 6:25-34
If you want to chit-chat about family, food, fashion, or faith - you've got the right girl!
I hope you have enjoyed meeting me and can find what you are looking for here in the field.
I would LOVE to get to know you TOO! Don't be a stranger.
XO - Brittany
I love that you have "WILD" taped all over this page lol it's lovely. I'm your newest follower!