Tuesday, November 20, 2012

All About "Fooneys"... and Smoothies!

My kid's mantra is "Fooney! Fooney! Fooney!" When I hear the zealous chant I know that I better fire up the blender if there is to be peace in the troops.
Haha...the kid wants a "Smoooothie!"

So I rock out with my juicer and blender every day
and I just wanted to share some of the fun things we've been learning and tasting!

Who knew that the produce department is swimming with medicinal powers!?!

I just need to pause and give a shout out to GOD - who made all life - fruit and vegetation included!
He's made some pretty awesome things for us and our bodies! Check out some my new faves...
KALE = a super green

low in calories
high in fiber
zero fat
vitamin A, C, & K
powerful antioxidants
caotenoids and flavonoids = cancer fighters
iron - per calorie it has MORE than beef!
cardiovascular support

CELERY = lean & mean

lowers blood pressure
balances blood pH - neutralizing acidity
known to contain at least 8 anti-cancer compounds
fights off colon and stomach cancer
natural laxative
anti-inflammatory - fighting arthritis, asthma, etc.
promotes healthy kidney function / can help eliminate kidney, urinary, & gall stones
calms the nervous system

GINGER = not the girl on the island with Gilligan, but the POWER HERB!

ovarian cancer treatment
colon cancer prevention
morning/motion sickness cure
reduces pain and inflammation
heartburn relief
migraine relief
menstrual cramp remedy
reduces kidney damage

is the juicer that I use! ...working up some classic carrot and apple juice for my little guys!

Here is some of the magic is creates...

"RISE & SHINE" juice by Giada de Laurentiis
...a waker-upper for sure!
This blend of celery, carrot, spinach, lemon, ginger, and apple adds pep to my step.
Yes, I just said, "pep to my step." I'm getting old.

Who doesn't like a class of lemonade?!
I bribe my kids with this stuff. 1/2 a lemon, 1 C. of water, a tsp. of maple syrup = liquid gold to a 2 year old!

Waaaaatermelon! This stuff goes a LONG way!
So sweet and ridiculously satisfying. You'll never go back to kool-aid again!

I'm all about keeping the fiber with the natural juices.
I would say that we "smoothie" more than we juice, but both are awesome alternatives.
I typically freeze the fruit I want to work with so that it gives the mix a nice frothy texture!

This concoction consists of baby carrots, kale, cantaloupe, strawberries, raw cranberry & oj!
LUNCH for momma...

Green smoothies are in popular demand in these parts. I make these every day for my kiddos.
Kale, strawberries, banana, almond milk, and a dash of oj.

Here's a dessert smoothie I whipped up for the kids last night. After a dinner of pure veg - they deserved this! Strawberries, banana, and coconut milk with some fresh lemon juice... Dairy Queen is history!

So yes, like the lazy person I am I don't have exact measurements for any of this.

I just eyeball the whole thing and it has never turned out badly!
You really can't go wrong. Get creative and get juicing!

Keeping a good balance with the fruit and veggies really helps and keeps it friendly.

Hope you enjoyed my little guide. Now go get yourself a "fooney!"

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1 comment:

  1. I want a fooney. I also want to make fun of you for your "pep in my step" comment. Oldie. :) I MISS YOU!


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